Destressing - Tips and Tricks for Everyone!

To say that stress is common would be an understatement. Pretty much everyone has felt majorly stressed out at some point in their lives, and in fact, millions of adults say they’re stressed out right at this moment.
Our reasons for feeling stressed vary from person to person. For some, it’s a high-stakes job. For others, it’s their financial obligations. And for some, it may be a hectic home environment.
Whatever the causes of stress, the effects are similar. High levels of chronic stress are linked to all sorts of nasty side effects, ranging from tension to skin concerns to long-term health effects.
Needless to say, we don’t want to expose ourselves to high levels of stress. So, it’s important to take some time for stress management every once in a while.
If you’re wondering how to best manage a stressful situation, not to worry — we’ve got your back! Keep reading this guide from Sunwink for our best tips and tricks for avoiding burnout and getting much-needed stress relief.
1. Get Some Exercise
There’s a saying that if exercise came in pill form, it would be one of the most expensive drugs in the world. And for a good reason! Exercise has tons of amazing health benefits and the potential to both support your physical health and lower stress in the long run.
One of those benefits is stress reduction. When you engage in a heart-pumping workout — whatever that may look like — you release all kinds of feel-good chemicals. This can boost your mood while calming your mind and body.
Research definitely agrees. For instance, one study found that doing cardio just two times per week significantly reduced stress in burned-out college students. Oh, and it also helped to reduce self-reported depression.
The best news is that you don’t have to follow an insane workout routine that your favorite fitness influencer recommends. Any kind of movement will do, whether it’s a walk in the park, a gentle yoga session, or a spinning class.
2. Prioritize Healthy Eating
What you put in your body doesn’t only affect your weight but your emotional state, as well.
Those who eat a diet high in junk food, especially if it’s high in added sugar, are more likely to experience high stress levels. And this, in turn, can trigger cravings, causing some people to eat even more unhealthy food. A truly vicious cycle.
Consuming lots of empty calories can also make you more prone to developing a nutrient deficiency. If you’re not getting enough vitamin D, magnesium, potassium, vitamin B12, fiber, or essential fatty acids, a negative mood and negative thoughts may follow.
So, put it on your to-do list to nourish your body with everything it needs to function at its best. Sunwink’s Superfood Powders and Sparkling Superfood Tonics are an easy (and delicious) way to do just that.
3. Learn To Say No
We can’t control all the stressors in our life, but we play a big role in making our lives manageable — and, as such, less stressful.
If you feel overwhelmed by life’s demands, one of the easiest stress relievers to implement is reevaluating your priorities. Focus on just a few goals at a time that will help you build your ideal life. And if something doesn’t fit into this equation, then it’s more than okay to say no to it.
4. Practice Self-Care
Everyone needs time to unwind, reconnect, and recharge their body. And science is totally on our side with this one. Studies show that those who engage in self-care practices are much less likely to burn out and more likely to experience calm and relaxation in their day-to-day lives.
What self-care looks like depends entirely on you! But if you need some ideas, here are some to get you started:
- Attend a yoga class
- Take a bubble bath
- Light a candle before bed
- Set aside 20 minutes to read a captivating novel
- Prepare a new healthy recipe
- Treat yourself to a decadent latte
- Get a professional massage
- Turn on a guided meditation video to focus on the present moment
- Try some deep breathing exercises or progressive muscle relaxation techniques
- Buy yourself a gift you’ve been wanting for a while
And remember: Consistency is key. Just 10 minutes of self-care per day can have remarkable results on your daily well-being.
5. Spend Time With Friends and Family Members
In times of stress, our social networks play a huge role in our resilience. Being around loved ones can make us feel less lonely, put us in a better mood, and give us tons of resources to draw on to deal with life’s problems.
Of course, not everyone has a huge support group readily available. If friends and family are not around, try seeking social interactions in other ways. For instance, you could volunteer at an organization you’re passionate about, or you can become a regular at your local yoga studio.
And, of course, you can always talk to a professional, such as a life coach or mental health counselor.
6. Unplug & Unwind
Our phones and computers are an unavoidable part of life, so it’s no use trying to get rid of them. But that doesn’t mean you have to be plugged in 24/7. Being online too much is linked to a host of negative side effects, like increased anxiety, poor sleep, and poor self-esteem.
You don’t have to throw your phone out the window, but it can help to set hard limits on when you use it. For instance, you could do an electronics shut-down an hour before bed, where you turn your devices off and put them out of sight. Then use this time to do something more relaxing, like one of our self-care tips above.
7. Spend Time in Nature
Nature is healing and restorative, so getting some time outdoors is super important.
Any outdoor space can help you feel more relaxed, but research shows that the greener it is, the more calm people tend to experience. So, if possible, make your way to a local park, forest, or hiking trail. If you live in an urban area, something like a botanical garden can have similar effects.
The best part is that you don’t even have to spend that much time outside to reap its relaxing effects. One study found that spending as little as 10 minutes in a green space can reduce stress.
Destressing With Sunwink
Stress is an inevitable part of life, but that doesn’t mean you have to be consumed by it. Using our destressing tips and tricks can help you deal with stress in a healthy way so it doesn’t take complete control of your life.
But if you need an extra destressing boost, then Sunwink’s got your back. Our delicious De-Stress Sparkling Superfood Tonic Pack is an excellent way to unwind at the end of the day.
Stress in America™ 2020: A National Mental Health Crisis | APA
STRESS AND HEALTH: Psychological, Behavioral, and Biological Determinants | PMC
Diet quality, stress and common mental health problems: A cohort study of 121,008 adults | NCBI
U.S. medical students who engage in self-care report less stress and higher quality of life | PMC
The association between smartphone use, stress, and anxiety: A meta-analytic review | NCBI